[Download PDF.yvkQ] THE BRAINS THAT CONTROL US Rewire Your Brain by Changing Your Values
You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. [Download PDF.yvkQ] THE BRAINS THAT CONTROL US Rewire Your Brain by Changing Your Values, this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
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“THE BRAINS THAT CONTROL US†is an insight into human nature and a guide on how to wire into your brain the values you want it to guide you by.It explores what happens when we change the established values in our brain.It discusses practical daily experiences and research in neuroscience and sociology to help you understand why and how you sabotage your own intentions.It demonstrates from experience what happens when we adjust our values.It shows how we can train our brain from being our enemy into a powerful ally.The human brain has an amazing potential to give us exactly for what it is hardwired for, in almost every area of our life. Do you know how to tap into its potentialIt is a matter of understanding how your brain works and how it affects everything you experience; but please proceed with caution: You are about to tamper with your brains neural nets and its established codes or values of your life.“THE BRAINS THAT CONTROL US†will help you to easily identify the mental roadblocks and with simple adjustments in your values, that will change your thinking patterns. It gives you tools to persevere though your neurochemical withdrawal symptoms and sets you on your way to your desired life-style.You will be given tools to discover your core values by which your brain presently guides you by and knowledge how to change them. This book shows you that you have Reptilian, Mammalian and Human Brain and they each have their own values that they pursue on autopilot; forcing you to do what you might disapprove yourself for doing it. You have Conscious and Unconscious Values and this book gives you tools to discover and change them to what you desire.You have Neural Nets that compete for resources and your brain and they reward or punish you with Happy or Sad Neurochemicals depending which Neural Nets you are supporting by your thoughts and actions. This book will help you to discover the value of your feelings, sensations and emotions. It will help you to create your own Rituals to Change Your Values. It has many Personal Examples of how to Become the Master of Yourself.This work is based on my own experience and research of countless others. It is an advice to those who are ready to take their next step in their human evolution, to intentionally rewire their own brain’s values. To become human beings with humane values and NOT be controlled by values that have been installed into our brain by those who use us, which can be inappropriate for where we are.I am writing to you as to a friend I trust and I instinctively share my own experiences as illustrations. I share my difficulties, which I had in getting my brain to serve me and not only those who programed it. I also share the lessons I have learnt in the process of rewiring my brain. I hope that you will not only be entertained by them but also benefit from them; in some similar way as we absorb morals from a good story.Values that were established in my childhood and those that I accepted as truth but they have stopped serving me. The values that I assumed would help me, turned out not only to be useless but damaging to me and to those I love. The intention of this work is to help humanity to use its human brain’s potential for humane values and to experience the most enjoyment it can, as we evolve.For more information about this book, visit my website at: https://sites.google.com/site/rewiringbrainvalues/ Depression is not a Chemical Imbalance in Your Brain ... This is an excellent documentary detailing how the psychiatric drug industry was born and its powerful and profitable partnership with the drug industry which has ... See Critical Changes Stall? A Brains Default to Ruts ... No need to stay stuck simply outsource your working memory by learning practices such as creating cheat sheets and your awesome brain will create new neuron ... Your brain on pseudoscience: the rise of popular neurobollocks An intellectual pestilence is upon us. Shop shelves groan with books purporting to explain through snazzy brain-imaging studies not only how thoughts and emotions ... 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